Green Iguana blood supply with BriteVu

Jul 26, 2019 Off Comments in Reptiles
Green Iguana blood supply with BriteVu

The green iguana (Iguana iguana) is a common herbivorous lizard found throughout South and Central America,Mexico and the Caribbean.  Recently, this species has become invasive in the southeast United States primarily in south Texas and Florida.  Iguanas are also commonly kept as pets.  As prevalent as these species are in the wild and in captivity, essential anatomic information is still lacking.

The ARCIVES project falls under the One Health Initiative at Midwestern University and was established to study vertebrate anatomy.  the main goals are to further our understanding of clinical medicine, conservation and evolutionary biology and overall diversity of vertebrate life.  A large team led by Meg Hall, PhD and Chris Heesy PhD at Midwestern University Glendale, AZ; Bette Zirkelbach, Bruce Squier and Terry Norton, DVM, DACZM from The Turtle Hospital Marathon, FL; Crystal Wilcox, LVT, Michiko Berceau, CVT and Nick Kirk, DVM at Parrish Creek Veterinary Clinic Centerville, UT and Scott Echols, DVM DABVP at Scarlet Imaging Murray, UT have been working together to make this anatomy study possible.  The goal is to publish the anatomic information for the scientific community.

This iguana was chosen for the vascular anatomy portion of the study and was soft preserved using a novel process followed by BriteVu and BriteVu Enhancer contrast perfusion.  The iguana was scanned on an Epica Vimago CT at 200 µm. For more information about ARCIVES, go to

Green Iguana perfused with BriteVu and BriteVu Enhancer after soft tissue preservation video.

Same green iguana video with color.