“Helping science achieve better answers that change the world”
BriteVu® Arteriovenogram Contrast Protocol
*Exact protocol varies with the species/tissue being perfused
**Use humane procedures as dictated by approved Animal Use Committee and IACUC protocols
Possible Materials Needed:
- BriteVu® in a Bottle
- BriteVu® 170g
- BriteVu® Special Projects
- BriteVu® Enhancer
- 9% NaCl, PBS or other physiologic solution
- Heparin 1000 U/ml
- Isoflourane (or Sevoflourane)/O2 anesthesia system or other acceptable general anesthetics
- BriteVu® products
- 14-26 gauge IV catheter or 21 to 25 gauge butterfly catheter
- Small gauge (25-30) needles
- Syringes (1-60 cc)
- IV catheter line
- Any small (3-O’ to 5-O’) suture material
- Small dissection kit: mosquito hemostats, forceps, iris scissors, needle holders
- Radiolucent tape (ie: 3M Transpore)
- Tissue or ‘Super’ glue
- Mixing hot plate
- Beaker